Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hopefully on an Upswing

Sorry for the emoness that was Friday. I was lucky to have an awesome weekend, complete with a pretty relaxed bus ride to and from Connecticut, and a great girls weekend with D. We got to catch up, shop a little, eat awesome burgers, and amazing Froyo (have you ever had Swirl? because I did, twice haha), and sit back with large quantities of wine, pizza, and chick flicks (ok, I don't know if Easy A falls into that category, but Something Borrowed definetly does!) It was very relaxing, but unfortunetly with the early mornings, I didn't get much sleep, and am still very tired!

I also fell in love with this during my 9+ hours of travel round trip
Like I gasped multiple times and wanted to sob and yell out in happiness because I loved this book so much obessesed. I can't wait to start the second one, If you haven't read it yet I highly suggest it :-)

So After a weekend of food, drink, and lack of exercise (although we had a great walk on Saturday where I was incredibly sweaty by the end haha and definetly tracked it), I'm back on the ball. I had a healthy B-L-D and pretracked most of my meals yesterday (although I did have some candy. No more!)

I didn't work out yesterday, because M and I went to see an apartment which was literally the apartment of my dreams. I put in an application, and all I can do now is cross my fingers and hope and pray. If we get this, our luck is definetly turning around! I'll keep you posted! I am all jitters though, and so freaking nervous, the management company said they would let us know in a day or so, so hopefully!

Here is my plan for the rest of the week

T-Go home, change, workout at the gym (the actual gym! haha it's been awhile...)
Th-Cardio either at the gym or outside, whichever!

Happy Tuesday!

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