Friday, September 16, 2011

Five Things Friday

To start, I did maintain this week. BUT with my walk on Sunday I worked out 4 days, and 3 of those workouts were over 400 calories, bringing me to a total calorie burn of 1827 for the week. Which is awesome. But I'm sore, which I attribute to a lot of my maintain. Hopefully next week will be different, as I'll keep with my workouts, and I won't be nearly as sore!

Five Things That Make Me Happy Today:

1. Running Victory!
So with my whole "I'm going to make excuses so I don't have to go to the gym" thing I've done the past few weeks, my runs have been few and far between. As in I've posted about all of them, haha. But last night I dragged myself to the gym, did 10 minutes on the eliptical to warm up, and then jumped on the treadmill for 35 minutes. I did the 5-8-5 breakdown of the couch to 5k program, and it was tough. Although I did fuel better for this one (carrots and ranch for the win!), so I didn't feel like dying, but my breathing was hard, and my legs were sore from the past 2 days, so they felt like deadweights, which was fun. But I did it, and I had no cramps, which was my main MO. So I was happy :-)  I think I'm going to start back from that point and work up to running with minimal breaks. We'll see how it goes :-)

2. Fall Mornings
It was 50 degrees outside this morning, and I even threw on a sweatshirt (which I bought too small last year, and now fits me perfectly, by the by), and craved warm cider. I settled for regular coffee, but all the same :-) I love mornings like that, the crisp air, not being sweaty or uncomfortable. it's the best :-)

3. Red Sox Game Tonight!
I'm completely ignoring the fact that they are currently in a downspin and don't deserve to make the playoffs, and have frustrated me more than anything else recently.

No, tonight they are going to win. Because I'm going to be there. And I'm going to witness the comeback. There, I said it so it has to be true, right?

4. Apartment Hunting
 Ok , this doesn't make me happy, but the possibility of us finding a place does. We are viewing a couple tomorrow in the area we want to live in, within our price range. Here's hoping we find something we love and just rent it!

 5. Good Friends
 Because I've had a lot of quality time lately. Last Friday with the girls, Wednesday night Margaritas with L and A from my London friends, and then next weekend with D!  I'm happy I got out of my funk that held me for most of the winter, where I was basically a hermit and basically didn't see anyone but M. I've missed my friends :-)

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