Wednesday, March 21, 2012


1. Maybe Your Not Losing Because You Aren't Doing Enough

I had my doctor's appointment yesterday, and we talked about my thyroid. She told me they test it every year, so if something's up they will see it in my blood work. I mentioned how frustrating my weight loss has been lately, and that was the answer she gave me. She said it could be my thyroid acting up, but to keep in mind that if everything comes back clean, it's more likely me not doing enough.

Which obviously isn't what I wanted to hear, but is definitely what I needed to hear. I spent most of yesterday thinking about it, and what did I come to?

Even on my "good weeks", my efforts aren't nearly enough. Not like they were two years ago, when I really wanted to lose. I'm not going to go into it anymore, because I'm tired of sounding like a broken record. I know deep down that while maybe my thyroid is acting up, I could do more, and try more. And I'm going to. The winter blues are gone, spring is here, and my hip is feeling 100% better. Now is the time to get back into a rhythm.

so here we go, mealplan for the rest of the week!

Wednesdaycheerios, yogurt, bananaLO Stacked Enchiladapub style burgers, baked frieslong walk, upper body cardio
Thursdayegg on toastturkey sandwichgarlic chicken wings (Slow Cooked)walk/upper body cardio
Fridayyogurt, cinnamon lifeundecided, maybe a salad?Fish and Chips (homemade)gym- bike?
Saturdayhashbrowns, eggs, toastunsure, snackspasta with meatsauce ?video
Sundayquick breakfastsandwichhomegym- bike/ walking uphill

so far, this week has been one giant rest day haha, so I'm not planning on taking any. I feel like I need to just dive back into working out, and plan to do something every day, especially where it's so nice outside. Even a walk up the road is good enough for me!

Along the same lines, I've had another epiphany

2. What am I fueling for?

My eating schedule the past 6-7 months looks like this:
Breakfast 9 am
snack 11am
Lunch 1245pm
Snack 330pm
dinner 730pm

Which is fine, but point heavy. It's leaving me very restricted at night. And the past week or so, when I've thought about it, I've realized that most of the time, I eat out of boredom, not because I'm actually hungry. If I eat enough in the morning, I shouldn't be hungry until lunchtime. And if I'm hungry in the afternoon, an apple/veggies should be a good snack.

I'm going to come up with some lighter snack options, that I can better track. I feel like my pretzels just aren't cutting it,and are a lot easier to go over the reccomended amount :-/  But I do feel like a lot of the time I eat because I'm supposed to, or because I don't want to be dragging at the gym. Which is all fine and good but it's gotten to the point where it's affecting my WLJ. And not helping things. Where I'm not running right now (dramatic sob), I need enough of a snack to keep me going, but it doesn't have to be pointy (under 3PP)

Let the brainstroming begin. I haven't felt this motivated and on track to lose weight in awhile. I'm hoping it sticks around!

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