Monday, October 18, 2010


This is how I feel right now:

Apparently, my office didn't get the memo that it's OCTOBER and COLD outside, and the Air Conditioning no longer needs to be on. Seriously, my fingertips are all purple.

Anyways, update time.
Last week went off relatively painless. I worked out Wednesday and thursday, and I think it helped make me feel a bit better too! I decided to start back with the C25K, really follow it. I hope to be onto week 7 by November. I am also going to try and prepare to run a 5K in November. I think it will be enough inspiration for me :-)

I lost a half pound on Friday, which I expected. I was definitely not as good as I could have been, and with the sickness all I wanted to do was eat junk. I mostly refrained, but all the same.

Friday night I babysat, cutest little kid ever, and he was soo well behaved for me. I did treat myself to a bag of chips and a cookie. Ahh well, you move on, right?

Saturday I brought my sister to Johnson and Wales with my mom, so she could attend their open house. It was such a pretty campus, and the tour included so many free samples, we didn't even need lunch! I had a quiet night of movies, and one beer. But I was super on plan, which I was pumped about.

Sunday I planned to work out, but by the time I got home and was ready it was 430, and I had to be at mass by 5. plus I didn't feel great, so I just decided to work out mon-thurs, and call it even :-) We then went out to the Four's for dinner, for my sister Peggy and mine's birthdays (Her's was last Sat, mine is this coming Sat). I got fish, a baked potato, veggies and had 1 dinner roll and a half of a potato skin. It was delicious. I indulged in one beer, because hey, we were out to celebrate :-) It was really nice.

So my birthday celebration is this coming Friday, and I have already decided I am not tracking past 5pm. Personal choice, it only comes once a year, and I figure I can make relatively healthy choices without worrying how many points I'm using up :-) Besides, it's not every day you turn 23!

My hopes are to run/strength train Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow I want to do aquick video, or take a walk to keep me going. Maybe both :-)

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