Anyways. so visiting a good friend this weekend, who when I asked if I could come (I'll be honest, I didn't want to spend the weekend at home waiting for DBF to call, or hanging out with our mutual friends) without hesitation said absolutely. Then Monday I am leaving work at 4, and picking up DBF at the airport!!
Anyways. This week wasn't bad. I had the wedding on Saturday, which was beautiful, and an awesome time :-) I also only had a few drinks, and half my dinner, so I was happy with myself. Plus I think I danced off everything I put in haha. This week where I have been kind of sad, and it has been raining literally cats and dogs, I've been eating out for lunch (no food at home, and I really just don't wanna treck to the grocery store.). I've been making good choices though, yesterday I got this amazing buffalo mozzarella salad. De-licious.
Week 20 results (8/20/10) down 1.0, which I'm good with! The thing is, even when I make a poor choice, I realize I'm making it. I need to surround myself with better options, so I'm not tempted.
I've also made strides with C25K, I am now on week 6 day 2, the 10 3 10 run. I've decided I am going to stick with this guy, do it tomorrow night and maybe sunday when I get back, or over the weekend (her apartment does have a gym), and then Tuesday or Wednesday when I run again, I will do the 25 minute one. I don't know why this scares me so much, I did the 20, it was hard, but I felt amazing after (granted I took 2 30 second breaks, at the 10 and 15 minute marks. I was thirsty!!) I downloaded some new workout songs, so hopefully that will help. I think I'm starting to get bored.
Here is to an OP week, and a great WI!!